How to make a Red Velvet Cake for your dog!

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Sweet treats are all around on Valentine’s Day but don’t forget about treating your dog to a sweet treat too. Your dog wants to feel included on this special day, so why not bake them a Red Velvet Cake?

Puppy Cake offers an all-natural, made in the USA, wheat-free Red Velvet Cake Mix for your dog. Bright red with all natural beet powder and made with rice flour, this vibrant and delicious cake will have you surrounded by your dog licking their lips for this naturally flavored decadent dessert!

Puppy Cake’s Red Velvet Cake Mix bakes just like a regular cake by adding 1 egg, 3/4 cup of water and 1/4 cup of oil. Baking in the oven at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes, your dog can enjoy a freshly cut slice of Red Velvet cake or a delicious cupcake. Boxes of cake mix include icing to frost a cake or cupcake with.

Grab a box of Red Velvet Cake Mix for you dog today at OR

Check out Puppy Cake’s other Cake Mix Flavors: Peanut Butter, Pumpkin, Carob and Banana.

Looking for a chilled treat for you pup? Puppy Scoops REAL ice cream for dog. Just add hot tap water to this powdered mix and freeze for doggy ice cream. Puppy Cake carries 5 Flavors: Peanut Butter, Maple Bacon, Vanilla, Carob and Candy Cane.

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