Sometimes regular old cake just isn’t enough here at Puppy Cake and we want to spice things up a bit. After all, variety is the spice of life. This cake design is for those of you who are interested in doing something a little extra but still super easy to make when it comes to your dog's cake.The marble trend is so huge right now, you see it everywhere. So I thought why not add the staple marble design to our cakes.

This technique can be achieved using multiple variations of our Puppy Cake LLC cake flavors. For example carob and banana, carob and red velvet, banana and peanut butter, banana and pumpkin, or banana and red velvet. You could even take it up a notch by using our regular cake mix flavors for the base and using our cheesecakes, peanut butter or salted caramel, to create the marble effect. So once you master the marble technique try it out with our cheesecake mixes but for today I decided to use two crowd favorites, carob and peanut butter. You can choose whatever flavors your special pup loves most. If you try a different combination we would love to see what you come up with. Just make sure to tag us on Facebook or Instagram using the #PuppyCakeLLC!
So now I will walk you through this process step by step so that you can re-create this awesome peanut butter and carob marble cake for your favorite pooch! Let's get started shall we!
Before we start, pre-heat your oven to 350°F and make sure that you have everything you need to bake your cake.
What you will need:
•Puppy Cake Peanut Butter Cake Mix
•Puppy Cake Carob Cake Mix
•Two Medium sized Mixing Bowls
•Two Spoons for mixing the batter
•Regular spoon
•Cake Pan (I used the Dog Bone Silicon Pan)
•Tooth Pick or Butter Knife (This is for making the marble effect)
•2 eggs ( 1 egg per cake mix)
•A cup and a half of water ( ¾ cup water per cake mix)
•½ cup of vegetable oil ( ¼ cup per cake mix)
Now let's get into the fun part. So first, you're going to want to make the carob cake mix first. This is going to be the base of our marble cake because the carob mix is a denser and thicker than the peanut butter. Mix together the carob cake mix, egg, water and vegetable oil. Once you have mixed the batter thoroughly set aside.
Next, let grab our peanut butter cake mix and repeat that same process that we did for the carob cake mix in a different bowl. Mix together the peanut butter mix, egg, water and vegetable oil. Once you have mixed the batter thoroughly set aside. You are going to have leftover peanut butter cake mix and what you can do with those leftovers is either make a smaller cake or six cupcakes.
Next, grab the dog bone silicon pan or whatever pan you have decided to use to bake your marble cake. Just to be sure your cake doesn’t stick to the pan grease the pan with a little bit of vegetable oil. After you have greased your pan pour the entire contents of your carob cake mix into the dog bone silicon pan. Use your spatula to evenly spread the cake mix in the pan.
After you have done that we are now going to start creating the marble effect. What you must do first is take a regular spoon and put six medium-size dollops of the peanut butter cake mix in various places making sure none of the dollops are touching each other. If you are using the dog bone silicone pan I suggest placing two dollops in rounded areas of the bones two ends. That is four total and then the remaining two go in the straight section in between the ends. If you are using a smaller pan make sure to adjust the number of dollops you use again making sure none of the dollops touch each other.
After you have masterfully placed your dollops now grab either a toothpick or butter knife, which you will use to create the marble effect. This is the fun part, lightly swirl designs through the peanut butter dollops. To pull the carob cake mix through the peanut butter make sure to drag your knife or toothpick deep enough so that it is reaching the carob mix. Another thing to note is that you don’t want to overwork this process. When you start seeing swirls throughout that is when you want to stop.
After you have created your swirls you are now going to want to make your six cupcakes or small cake with the leftover peanut butter cake mix. After you have done that, carefully place your marble cake and whatever you decided to make with the leftover peanut butter cake mix into the oven. The cakes will need to bake at 350°F for 20-24 minutes.
After the cakes are done baking remove them from the oven and let them cool for at least 15 minutes before feeding to your pup. Each box of Puppy Cake mix does come with icing but since we just created a beautiful marble cake we are not going to use the icing because we don’t want to use the icing and cover over it. You can feel free to use the icing on the extra cake or cupcakes that you made using the spare peanut butter cake mix.
Once your cake is done cooling, pop the cake out of the pan and be ready to see your beloved companion go bananas over his or her very own marbled cake!
Also, if any of these steps where unclear make sure to head on over to "How to Make a Puppy Cake" section on our website,!
Make sure to follow us on our social media pages for updates and more adorable pictures of pooches finally enjoying decadent desserts they so deserve. Feel free to share your pictures with us by tagging @PuppyCakeLLC to any of your photos!
**Please make sure to only serve your dog the recommended serving portion.