Berry Banana Marbled Paws

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Hello Puppy Cake Creators. Did you know most berries and bananas are not only safe but good for your dog? Berries like blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries provide the same nutrients for dogs like humans! Plus, they contain high levels of water so they are super refreshing! Today we are going to be making Berry Banana Marbled Paws!

What You’ll Need

1 Pint of Hoggin’ Dogs Banana

1 Cup of mixed berries ( I used blueberries, raspberries and blackberries)

1/3 Cup of Water

2 Dog Paw Silicone Molds

A Blender

Turkey Baster (optional)

First, get your blender ready. Make sure its washed and plugged in. Add berries and 1/3 cup of water to the blender and blend until the berries become the consistency of a puree. Transfer this mixture to a bowl. Clean your blender. Then grab your pint of Banana Hoggin’ Dogs. Empty mix back into the blender; add 2/3 cup of water, and blend. While its blending grab your silicone molds. Make sure to put your mold on a cookie sheet. This makes transfer to the freezer so much easier!

Next, take the berry puree and add a little bit ( the tip of a spoon’s worth) to the bottom of each mold. Once this is done take your molds and lightly drop them on the table so the puree completely covers the bottoms of each mold and its even.

Next, if you have a turkey baster I would use it. It works so much better than trying to pour. Take the banana ice cream mixture and your baster and fill it up. Dispense mixture into the molds. Then take a little of the puree and add it to the top of the mold and use a knife to create a marbled effect. Repeat until you’ve used all of your molds. Then transfer your tray with your molds to the freezer.

After the bones and paws are completely frozen pop one out from the mold and call of your perfect pooch! He or she will be begging for their Berry Banana Marbled Paws!

Freeze the remaining ice creams for up to six weeks.

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