J-E-L-L-O... for your Dog?

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Thursday, July 12th is National “Eat Your Jello” Day. And lucky for you (and your dog) we carry Puppy Chillerz, Peanut Butter Jello Mix for your dog.

What pup doesn’t love Jello? Actually, the question should be, what pup hasn’t tried our Peanut Butter Jello Mix for dogs? Our Jello Mix is such an easy treat for your dog, you’ll find yourself (and your pup) lovin’ our Jello Mix.

This fun and jiggly dessert is a chilled treat just for your dog, and super easy to make. Here’s how to make Peanut Butter Jello for your pup:

  • Place the Peanut Butter Jello Mix into a bowl.
  • Add 1 cup of very hot tap water to the mix.
  • Mix for about 1-2 minutes until all of the powder is dissolved.
  • Pour the liquid mixture into either a silicone bone-shaped pan (highly recommend) or a glass dish. Make sure to fill the cavities of the pan completely.
  • Plan silicone pan or dish in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  • When solid, pop out of the silicone pan or cut suares from glass dish.

Our Peanut Butter flavored Jello Chillerz is the perfect, simple treat for your pup this summer.

Make sure to grab a bag of Jello Chillerz Peanut Butter Jello Mix for your dog today and treat them with jiggly Jello bones on National Eat your Jello Day.

Order Jello Chillerz HERE.

Order Silicone (Large) Bone Pan HERE

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